Christian Yoga Moon Practice: 20 min Restorative Practice

Before and during your period your energy is at its lowest point at the beginning of your period, so this is a restorative practice. Your hormone levels decline quickly to their lowest concentrations, creating the greatest communication between the right and left brain. 

Give yourself extra grace today and a hopeful perspective on your work. What would it look like to love myself exceedingly well today? Here are some examples of what that could look like:

  • Only worry about the one thing in front of me to do, don't get sucked into the overwhelming and scattered world of what's next.
  • Text a friend and ask how they're doing.
  • Take a bath.
  • No sugary dessert tonight.
  • You have permission for more moments like this - quiet, reflective, love-aware

This helps us connect with the unconditional love of God and helps us communicate to the people in our lives who love us.

Take this time to reflect and release.