Lent Meditation: Imaginative Prayer (Week 7)

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As we enter into Holy Week, we embrace an ancient prayer tool called Imaginative Prayer to journey with Jesus nearer the cross.

In this video, we sit with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. You can read one account of Jesus’ experiences that evening in Matthew 26:36-46.

Throughout the course of his ministry, we read of many times Jesus snuck away from the crowds and even his close friends, to go away and be alone in prayer with the Father. But on this evening, Jesus does not want to enter into prayer alone, but asks his closest friends to join him.

Using the help of the Holy Spirit, we place ourselves with Jesus in the garden that grief-filled evening and minister to and alongside him.

Thomas Merton says of contemplative prayer,

[it] is not so much a way to find God as a way of resting in him whom we have found.