Lent Meditation for Holy Saturday

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In this Holy Saturday prayer meditation practice, we use the tools of imaginative prayer to place ourselves in the room with the disciples where they hid after Jesus was buried.

These disciples had just seen their leader brutally murdered. Some of them had betrayed Jesus just hours earlier; all of them knew of one of their own that had actually handed Jesus over. Can you imagine their shock, fear, grief, confusion, and shock?

In addition to placing ourselves in that room and noticing the waiting rooms in our own life, we also meditate on a story told by Brennan Manning.

In this story, an old man is praying by a riverbank when a scorpion floats by who looks like it’s drowning. The old man reaches out a couple times to try and rescue this scorpion but it stings him violently both times. An onlooker walks by and chastises the man for his foolishness in trying to save this evil and ungrateful creature., The old man replies,

My friend, just because it is the scorpion’s nature to sting, that does not change my nature to save.